

词汇 sick
1. 患病的,有病的;不适的
a sick man 病人
He's been sick for weeks. 他已经病了几星期了。
2. 恶心的;要呕吐的;令人作呕的
She was sick in the car. 她晕车。
a sick smell 令人作呕的气味
3. 厌恶的;腻烦的
He has been sick of his job. 他已经厌烦了现在的工作。
I'm sick of doing nothing. 我对于无所事事感到厌倦。
4. 病态的;反常的
a sick personality 病态性格
5. 心烦意乱的;懊恼的
He seemed to be sick with me. 他似乎对我很生气。
6. 怀恋的,渴望的,想望的
be sick for one's home 思乡
词组make sb. sick 使某人愤怒(或厌恶)
It made us sick to see the child being treated so badly. 我们看到这孩子受到这样的虐待非常愤怒。
sick and tired 非正式 厌倦,厌恶
The husband is sick and tired of his wife's complaint. 丈夫对妻子的抱怨厌烦极了。
sick as a dog 病得很厉害 sick as a parrot 憎恶的 sick at heart 极其失望(或悲伤等);感到不快
He is sick at heart. 他忧心忡忡。
sick to one's stomach 愤慨的;厌恶的




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