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词汇 work
1. 工作;干活
He has been working hard all day. 他辛苦工作了一整天。
How many hours a day do you work? 你一天工作多少小时?
2. 从事职业,任职
He works for a travel agency. 他在一家旅行社任职。
work in a bank 在银行工作
3. (器官、机器等)运转
The clock isn't working. 这时钟不动了。
4. 起作用,有效
The method didn't work well in practice. 这方法在实际运用中没什么效果。
The medicine worked and the pain went away. 药效发挥,疼痛消失了。
5. (因活动)渐渐变得,渐渐处于特定状态
My shoestring has worked loose. 我的鞋带渐渐松了。
work free of the chains 渐渐挣脱锁链
6. (人的面部)抽动,颤动
He stared at me in horror, his face working. 他惊恐地盯着我,脸抽动着。
7. 缓慢而费力地行进;艰难地进行
They worked through the snow. 他们费力地穿过雪地。
We must work through the difficulties until we get a solution. 我们必须克服种种困难找到解决方案。
8. 被加工
This stone works easily. 这种石头容易加工。
1. 使工作,使劳动
He worked his employees too hard. 他逼着员工玩命工作。
2. 使运转,使开动
How do you work the gears on this bike? 你怎么使这辆自行车上的传动装置转动?
work a machine 开机器
3. 在(地区或部门)从事活动
He works a big plantation. 他经营一个大农场。
The salesman works the northern part of the city. 这个推销员负责本市北区的推销工作。
4. 把…加工成
work clay into a vase 把黏土捏成花瓶
work cold steel 对钢材作冷加工
5. 缓慢而费力地移动(或穿过);靠做工挣钱取得
Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men. 营救人员仍在艰难地慢慢接近被困人员。
She worked her way through college. 她半工半读念完大学。
6. 使渐渐处于特定状态
He gradually worked the nail out of the wall. 他慢慢地把墙上的钉子拔出。
She worked herself up into a fury. 她渐渐冒火,进而大怒。
7. (因激动)使抽动,使颤动
work the muscles in one's face 抽动面部肌肉
词组work against 反对…;对…不利
work against the motion 反对动议
His appearance worked against him during the election campaign. 他的外表在竞选中对他不利。
work at 在工作,在上班;从事于
work at one's homework 做作业
work away 不断工作,继续努力
They were working away in their office. 他们一直在办公室里继续工作。
work in 插入,巧妙地夹杂
Can you work in a reference to our project? 你能提到我们的项目吗?
work into 把…插入,把…巧妙地夹杂于…
work humor into a speech 演说中巧妙地插入幽默
work in with 与…合作,与…配合
She worked in with them as much as possible. 她尽力与他们协作。
work it 完成,做好 work off 慢慢除去…;慢慢还清(债务等);发泄(积愤等)
work off one's debt 干活慢慢还清债务
work off one's excess weight by regular exercise 靠经常锻炼慢慢减掉过多的体重 work on
1. 继续工作
2. 从事…
The novelist is working on a new book. 那位小说家在写一本新书。
work out
1. 解决(问题或困难);计算出(总数等)
Can you work out how much it will need? 你能算出需要多少钱吗?
2. 详细拟订(计划、方案等)
work out a plan 制定计划
3. 刻苦完成;获得妥善处理
I hope the new project will work out well. 我希望新计划能顺利完成。
4. (结果)成为
How did his suggestions work out? 他的提议结果怎样?
5. 锻炼
I work out regularly to keep fit. 我经常锻炼,以保持健康。
work over 充分研究
I worked over a lot of books in order to finish the thesis. 为了完成论文,我研读了许多书。
work round to 逐渐达到,一步一步处理 work to
1. 边…边工作
I like working to music. 我喜欢边听音乐边工作。
2. 根据…行事
work to rule 按规章办事
work up 刺激…,煽动…,使…激昂
The singer worked up the feelings of the audience. 那歌手激起了观众的情绪。
work upon 从事…,处理… work up to 逐渐达到,逐渐发展到
work up to a climax 渐达高潮
work up to the position of president of the company 逐步升至公司总裁




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