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1. face
~带笑容 with a smile on one's face
~无惧色 not look at all afraid
看在我的~上, 饶了他这一回吧。 Please let him off this time just for my sake.
2. surface; top; face
钟~ clock face; dial
~儿磨得很光。 The surface has been polished shining bright.
3. side
这种纸一~光。 This kind of paper is smooth on one side.
这本书有多少~? How many pages are there in this book?
4. the right side; cover; outside
书~儿 the cover of a book
夹袄的~儿 the outside of a lined jacket
这块布做里儿, 那块布做~儿。 Use this piece of cloth for the lining and use that piece for the outside.
5. extent; range; scale; scope
知识~广(窄) have a wide (narrow) range of knowledge
这次讨论涉及的~很广。 The discussion covered a wide range of topics.
6. wheat flour; flour
大米~ rice flour
7. powder
药~儿 medicinal powder
胡椒~儿 ground pepper
8. noodles
一碗~ a bowl of noodles
9. an entire area (as opposed to particular points)
部长下去蹲点了, ~上的工作他让我来抓。 The minister has gone to work at a grass-roots unit and left me in charge of the ministry.
face (a certain direction)
这房子~南坐北。 The house faces south.
1. surface
立方体有六~。 A cube has six surfaces.
2. (for flat things)
一~镜子 a mirror
两~旗子 two flags
personally; directly
~告 tell sb. personally V (方位词后缀)(to a noun of locality): 前面
后面 Ⅵ形 soft and floury: 这块白薯真~。 This sweet potato is soft and floury.




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