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1. the crown of the head
2. top
此山之~有一古庙。 There is an old temple at the top of the mountain.
1. carry on the head
头上~着一罐水 carry a pitcher of water on one's head
2. gore; butt
这牛爱~人。 This bull gores people.
3. go against
~风雪, 战严寒 face blizzards and brave severe cold
4. push from below or behind; push up; prop up
嫩芽把土~起来了。 The sprouts have pushed up the earth.
用千斤顶把汽车~起来 jack up a car
5. retort; turn down
我~了他几句。 I said a few words to him in retort.
把抗议~回去 reject a protest
6. cope with; stand up to
负担虽重, 他们两个也~下来了。 The load was heavy, but the two of them coped with it all right.
7. take the place of; substitute; replace
~别人的名字 assume sb. else's name
不能拿次货~好货卖。 You shouldn't pass inferior goods off as high-quality goods and sell them.
8. equal; be equivalent to
(for things which have a top)
一~帽子 a cap; a hat
一~帐子 a mosquito net
very; most; extremely
~有用 very useful
~小的那个孩子 the youngest (or smallest) child
我~喜欢贝多芬的音乐。 I'm very fond of Beethoven's music.




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