- 1. wind
- ♦ 一阵~ a gust of wind
- ♦ 起~了。 The wind is rising.
- ♦ ~停了。 The wind has stopped.
- 2. practice; custom; tendency
- ♦ 此~不可长。 This tendency is not to be encouraged.
- 3. scene; view
- ♦ 风光
- 4. style; attitude
- ♦ 文风
- 5. news; information
- ♦ 他刚听见一点~儿就来打听。 He came to ask the moment he got wind of it.
- ♦ 晒干~净 sun-dried and well winnowed
- ♦ ~鸡 air-dried chicken
- ♦ ~肉 air-dried meat
- ♦ 风闻