- ♦ 豆腐~儿 beancurd puff
- ♦ 这木料发~。 This wood is spongy.
- ♦ 撒两~尿 piss twice
- ♦ 拉一~屎 have a shit 另见 pào
- 1. bubble
- ♦ 肥皂~儿 soap bubbles
- ♦ 冒~儿 send up bubbles; rise in bubbles
- 2. sth. shaped like a bubble
- ♦ 手上起了~ get (or raise) blisters on one's palm
- 1. steep; soak
- ♦ 把种子放在温水里~一下 steep the seeds in lukewarm water
- ♦ 他是在苦水里~大的。 He was brought up in bitter misery.
- 2. dawdle
- ♦ 别~时间了, 快把工作做完! Stop dawdling and finish your work! 另见 pāo