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1. do; act
敢作敢~ be decisive and bold in action; act with daring
2. act as; serve as
选她~人民代表 elect her a people's deputy
以此~凭。 This will serve as a proof.
有诗~证。 A poem testifies to that.
3. become
变沙漠~良田 turn the desert into arable land
4. be; mean
一公里~二华里。 One kilometer is equivalent to two li.
(used with 所 in a passive sentence)
~人民所爱戴 be loved and respected by the people
不~表面现象所迷惑 not be confused by superficial phenomena
1. (used in a rhetorical question with 何)
何以家~? What need have I of a home? (usu. said during a national crisis)
2. (used after an adjective to form an adverb)
大~高兴 very happy
广~流传 widely spread
3. (used after an adverb for emphasis)
极~重要 extremely important
另见 wèi
1. in the interest of; for
~大多数人谋利益 work in the interests of the vast majority of people
2. because of
~我们的友谊干杯!A toast to our friendship!
~胜利而欢呼 hail a victory
3. for the purpose of; for the sake of
~方便起见 for the sake of convenience
不~名, 不~利 seek no personal fame or gain
4. to; towards
他~我送来一份请帖。 He's sent an invitation to me.
且~诸君言之。 Now I'll inform you about it.
stand for; support
另见 wéi




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