

rich; plentiful
~有风趣 full of wit and humour
1. have mercy on; let sb. off; forgive
下回可不能轻~了你。 We won't let you off so easily next time.
他说话不~人。 He has a sharp tongue.
2. give sth. extra; let sb. have sth. into the bargain
给你~上一个。 I'll let you have one more.
有两个人就够了, 不要把他也~在里头。 Two people will be enough; there is no need to drag him along, too.
although; in spite of the fact that
这孩子, ~怎么说他也不听。 That child! Whatever you said, he simply wouldn't listen.
~这么让着他, 他还不满意。 No matter how many concessions I made, he still wasn't satisfied.




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