- 1. (用在定语的后面) (used after an attribute)
- ♦ 铁~纪律 iron discipline
- ♦ 已经站起来~中国人民 the Chinese people who have stood up
- ♦ 我~母亲 my mother
- 2. (used to form a noun phrase or nominal expression)
- ♦ 赶大车~ a carter
- ♦ 我爱吃辣~。 I like hot ( or peppery) food.
- ♦ 无缘无故~, 你着什么急? why do you get excited for no reason at all?
- ♦ 这里用不着你, 你只管睡你~去。 We don't need you here. You just go to bed.
- 3. (used after a verb or between a verb and its object to stress an element of the sentence)
- ♦ 谁买~? Who bought it?
- ♦ 你嗓子怎么哑了?—唱~。 Why are you so hoarse?— From singing.
- 4. (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
- ♦ 你们这两天真够辛苦~。 You've really been working hard the past few days. 另见 dídì
- ♦ 的确
- ♦ 目的 另见 dedí
另见 dedì