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1. rise; get up; stand up
~席 rise from the table
早睡早~ early to bed and early to rise
2. remove; extract; pull
~油 remove grease stains
~瓶塞 pull the cork from a bottle
~钉子 draw out a nail
~雷 clear mines
把画~下来 take down a picture
3. appear; raise
脚上~水泡 get blisters on one's feet
4. rise; grow
~风了。 The wind is rising.
~疑心 become suspicious
~作用 take effect
5. draft; work out
~稿子 work out (or make) a draft
6. build; set up
~一堵墙 build a wall
~伙 set up a mess
7. start; begin
从今天~ starting from today
8. draw; get
~护照 get one's passport
9. (used after a verb preceded by 从 or 由)
从头讲~ tell the story from the very beginning
从何说~? What shall I say? or What's there to say?
10. upwards; up
她拿~皮包就走了。 She picked up her handbag and left.
我提不~这个重箱子。 I can't lift this heavy suitcase.
拿~武器 take up arms
11. (preceded by 得 or 不) up to a certain standard
买得(不)~ can (can't) afford to buy
看得(不)~ have a high (low) opinion of
1. case; instance
两~大脑炎 two cases of cerebritis
2. batch; group
分两~出发 set out in two groups (or batches)




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