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1. give; grant
我哥~了我一块表。 My brother gave me a watch.
公司~他一个月的假。 The company granted him a month's leave.
杭州~我的印象很好。 Hangzhou left a very good impression on me.
2. let; allow; make
~我看看。 Let me have a look.
开完运动会, ~我累得够呛。 After the sports meet, I was tired out.
1. for the benefit of; for the sake of; for
她~旅客送水倒茶。 She brought drinking water and tea for the passengers.
我~你当翻译。 I'll act as interpreter for you.
2. (used to introduce the recipient of an action)for, to
他~我道歉了。 He's apologized to me.
小朋友~老师行了礼。 The children saluted their teacher.
1. (used before a verb for emphasis)
质量不合格~换。 Substandard products will be exchanged.
把纸收起来, 别叫风~刮散了。 Put away all the paper. Don't let it get blown about.
我差点儿把这事~忘了。 I almost forgot that.
2. (used after a verb indicating the handing over of sth.)
信已经交~他了。 I've handed the letter to him.
另见 jǐ
supply; provide
ample; well provided for
另见 gěi




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