

1. straight
街道又宽又~。 The streets are wide and straight.
把铁丝拉~ straighten a piece of wire
2. vertical; perpendicular
~行的文字 characters written from top to bottom
这屋子~里有六米, 横里有三米。 The room is 6 metres in length and 3 in width.
3. just; upright
4. frank; straightforward
~认不讳 admit frankly; own up readily
我就~说了。 I'll speak very frankly.
5. stiff; numb
天太冷, 手指都冻~了。 It was so cold that my fingers were frozen stiff.
~起腰来 straighten one's back; stand up straight
vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
1. directly; straight
一~走 go straight ahead
~奔火车站 head direct for the railway station
~通港口 lead directly to the harbour
~ 飞北京 fly nonstop to Beijing
2. continuously
新井~往外喷油。 Oil gushed continuously from the new well.
他冻得~哆嗦。 He was so cold that he kept shivering.
这个故事逗得她~乐。 The story tickled her fancy.
3. just; simply
待他~如兄弟 treat him just like a brother
疼得~像针扎一样 feel a piercing pain




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