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(of space or time) long
这条河很~。 This is a long river.
夏季昼~夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short.
~~的柳条垂到湖面。 The long willow twigs hang low, brushing against the surface of the lake.
1. length
南京长江大桥全~六千七百七十二米。 The overall length of the Changjiang River Bridge at Nanjing is 6, 772 metres.
2. strong point; forte
取人之~, 补己之短 overcome one's shortcomings by learning from others' strong points
be good at; be proficient in
她~于刺绣。 She is good at embroidery. or Embroidery is her forte.
另见 zhǎng
1. older; elder; senior
比他年~ older than him
他比我~一辈。 He belongs to my father's generation.
他比我~两岁。 He is senior to me by two years. or He is two years my senior.
2. eldest; oldest
~兄 eldest brother
~女 eldest daughter
chief; head
1. grow; develop
青年时期是~身体的时期。 Youth is the time of physical growth.
庄稼~得很旺。 The crops are growing very well.
2. come into being; begin to grow; form
~疮 have a boil
~癌 get cancer
~锈 get rusty
孩子~牙了。 The baby is teething.
~叶子了。 The leaves are coming out.
桃树~虫了。 The peach tree is wormy.
3. acquire; enhance; increase
~见识 increase one's knowledge; gain experience
~工资 get an increase in salary; get a pay rise (or pay raise)
另见 cháng




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