

词汇 rule
1. 统治,管辖
Charles I ruled over England for eleven years. 查理一世统治英格兰达11年。
2. (感情或欲望等)起支配作用,占上风
Emotions ruled in her mind at that time. 那时候她的感情占了上风。
3. 做出裁决,做出裁定
The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the case. 最高法院还未就此案作出裁决。
The court ruled in her favor. 法庭做出了有利于她的裁决。
1. 统治,管辖
rule a country 管理国家
George Ⅲ ruled Great Britain for 60 years. 乔治三世统治了英国六十年。
2. (感情或欲望等)控制,支配
Don't be ruled by your passions. 别为激情所左右。
3. 裁决;裁定
rule a proposal out of order 裁定一项提议违反程序
4. (用尺)在纸上划(直线),在(纸)上划平行线
The old man ruled several lines on the map to guide us. 那位老人在地图上画了几条直线来给我们指路。
词组rule out
1. 排除;划去
2. 排除(…的可能性)
The police have ruled out suicide. 警方排除了自杀的可能性。
3. 使…不可能
Father's death seemed to rule out college for Joan. 父亲的死似乎使琼不能上大学了。
rule sb. with a rod of iron (或 with an iron hand) 以高压手段统治人 rule the roost 支配,控制;统治




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