

词汇 cling
cling/klɪŋ/ (clung, clung)
1. 紧紧抓住(或抱住)
They clung together when the time came for them to part. 当分离的时刻来到时,他们紧紧地抱在一起。
The child clung onto his mother. 那个孩子紧紧地抱住妈妈。
2. 粘着;缠着
The mud clung to his boots. 泥浆粘在他的靴子上。
The ivy clings to the wall. 常春藤贴墙生长。
3. 挨近,靠拢
The ship clung to the coastline. 那艘船紧靠着海岸线航行。
4. 坚持;忠实于
cling to one's own views 坚持自己的观点
She clung to her friends. 她忠实于自己的朋友。
5. 萦绕不散,逗留不去
Her father's last words clung to her memory. 父亲的遗言一直萦绕在她的脑际。
The smell of cigarette smoke in this room tends to cling. 这个屋子里香烟的气味不易散去。
6. 依恋;依附
cling to mother's apron strings 依赖母亲




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