

词汇 listen
listenlis•ten /'lɪs(ə)n/
1. 听,倾听;注意听
He was listening to music. 他正在听音乐。
We listened but heard nothing. 我们听了,但什么也没听见。
We listened to the band playing in the park. 我们在公园里听乐队演奏。
2. 听从;听信
Children should listen to their parents. 孩子应当听父母的话。
Every time I listened to your advice, I got into trouble. 我每次听你的意见都陷入了麻烦之中。
词组listen (out) for 留神听,注意倾听(等候某种声音)
He sat in the sitting room listening for the knock at the door. 他坐在客厅里,留神听着敲门声。
Listen out for your name to be called out. 留心听喊到你的名字。
listen in 收听(广播)
listen in on the radio 收听无线电广播
listen in to the news programme 听新闻节目
listen in to the Prime Minister's speech 收听首相的广播演说




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