

1. copy; transcribe
~书 copy from a book
请把稿件~一下。 Please make a fair copy of the manuscript.
照~原文 make a verbatim transcription of the original
2. plagiarize; lift
~别人的文章 plagiarize (from) somebody else's writing
逐字逐句地~人家的作业 copy another student's written work word by word
3. search and confiscate; make a raid upon
~土匪的老窝 destroy the bandits' den
4. take a shortcut
~到他们前面 outstrip them by taking a shortcut
5. fold (one's arms)
~着手站在一边 stand by with folded arms
6. grab; take up
~起一把铁锹就干 take up a spade and plunge into the job
谁把我的字典~走了?Who's gone off with my dictionary?




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