

1. bite; snap at
~不动 too tough to bite (or chew)
~一口 take a bite
被蛇~了 be bitten by a snake
2. grip; bite
这个旧螺母~不住扣儿了。 This old nut won't bite (or grip).
双方比分一直~得很紧。 The score was very close throughout the match.
3. (of a dog) bark
鸡叫狗~ cocks crow and dogs bark
4. incriminate another person (usu. innocent) when blamed or interrogated
别~好人。 Don't implicate the innocent.
5. corrode (metals); irritate (the skin)
我最怕漆~。 I'm allergic to paint. or My skin is allergic to paint.
这把刀埋在地里让土~了。 The knife had been buried in the ground and was corroded.
6. pronounce; articulate
这个字他~不准。 He can't pronounce this word correctly.
7. be nitpicking (about the use of words)




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