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1. fear; dread; be afraid of
~蛇 be afraid of snakes
很~艾滋病传染 be in great fear of AIDS infection
~有什么用? What's the use of being afraid?
2. cannot stand; will be affected by
这种蓝布~晒。 This blue cloth will discolour through exposure to the sun.
这种表不~水。 This kind of watch is waterproof.
3. (expressing supposition, judgment, estimation, etc.) I am afraid (that); I suppose; perhaps
事情~不那么简单。 I am afraid things are not that simple.
这生意~赚不了多少钱。 This doesn't seem a very profitable business, I'm afraid.
4. be afraid something might happen; feel anxious about; feel concerned for or about
他~迟到, 六点就动身了。 He started out at six for fear of being late.
~要下雨了, 你最好带着伞。 It looks like rain, so better take your umbrella with you.
现在的女孩子大都~胖。 Most girls are afraid of being overweight .




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