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词汇 stop
stop/stɒp/ (stopped, stopped; stopping)
1. 停止;使中断;使停下
He's trying to stop smoking. 他正在戒烟。
She shouted to the children to stop making that noise. 她大声叫孩子们别再吵闹。
We stopped the car outside the post office. 我们在邮局外停下车。
2. 阻止;阻挡
Her parents stopped her from seeing him. 她的父母不让她见他。
The guard stopped me at the gate. 门卫在大门口拦住了我。
stop an enemy attack 挡住敌人进攻
3. 切断;停止
stop supplies to the refugees 断绝对难民的供应
If we don't pay the bill quickly, they might stop our electricity. 如果我们不赶快付账,他们可能会断我们的电。
4. 止血;阻塞
We bandaged his wound to stop the bleeding. 我们给他包扎伤口止血。
stop traffic 阻塞交通
1. 终止;停下
Stop or I'll shoot. 站住,否则我要开枪了。
The road stops at the square. 这条路通到广场为止。
The clock stopped. 钟停了。
2. 非正式 顺道拜访;逗留;停留
On my way home I stopped at the bank. 回家的途中我顺便去了趟银行。
We stopped in Hong Kong for two days. 我们在香港逗留了两天。
They invited me to stop for dinner. 他们请我留下吃晚饭。
3. 被堵塞;被塞住
The drain stopped. 阴沟堵塞了。
词组stop by 顺便到(某处)
stop by the shop 顺便去趟商店
I invited him to stop by for one brief minute. 我请他过来坐坐。
stop down 保持低水平
stop down one's excitement 抑制兴奋
stop in
1. 待在家里,不出门
She stops in and takes care of the children the whole day. 她一整天都留在家里照看孩子。
2. 顺便拜访
I stopped in to see him. 我顺道去看他。
3. 课后留校
The whole class stopped in after school. 下课后全班都留下了。
stop off 中途停留,中途下车
They stopped off for a few days in Beijing to see me. 中途他们在北京停留了几天来看我。
stop out
1. 呆在外面;在外面过夜
He often stops out until midnight. 他常常在外面呆到半夜。
2. 继续罢工
The workers decided to stop out until their demands were met. 工人们决定等到他们的要求得到满足后才复工。
stop over 中途停留
We planned to stop over in England. 我们计划在英格兰稍作停留。
stop up
1. 堵塞,塞住
My nose is stopped up. 我的鼻子不通气。
The sewer stopped up. 下水道堵住了。
2. 熬夜
She often stops up until her son gets home. 她常常等儿子回家后才睡。




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