

词汇 straight
1. 笔直地;平正地
The smoke rose straight up. 烟笔直向上升起。
He was so tired that he couldn't stand straight. 他累得都站不直了。
Hang the picture straight. 把画挂正。
2. 立即,马上
Let's get straight down to business. 我们赶快开始干活吧。
Go straight home. 直接回家。
3. 连续不断地
He had been without sleep for three days straight. 他已经连续三天没睡觉了。
We have worked for four months straight. 我们已经连续工作4个月了。
4. 开诚布公地;直截了当地
come straight to the point 开门见山
I'll tell him straight to his face what I am thinking. 我要当面告诉他我的想法。
5. 清楚地,准确地
I can't think straight. 我无法清楚地思考。
see straight 看得准
词组go straight 非正式 改邪归正
The two addicts were trying to go straight. 两个瘾君子正在努力改邪归正重新做人。
straight away 马上,直截了当地 straight from the shoulder 见shoulder straight off 马上,立即
The teacher asked the students to go home straight off after the school is over. 老师要求学生放学后立即回家。
straight out 直截了当地
I told him straight out that he was talking nonsense. 我直截了当地告诉他他在说胡话。
straight up 英口 确实地,真正地
I gave the beggar $100, straight up! 我给了乞丐100美元,真的!




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