

词汇 from
1. [表示起点] 从…起,始于
Dinner is served from 8. 晚餐从8点起开始供应。
The train starts from Paris. 火车从巴黎开出。
2. [表示出处,来源] 从…之中
draw water from the tap 从水龙头中取水
a sentence quoted from Shaw 引自萧伯纳的文句
I have not heard from her for three months. 我已经三个月没有得到她的消息了。
3. [表示观察方位,根据] 从,据
The guerrilla saw the enemies from the hill. 游击队员从山上看到了敌人。
4. [表示原因,动机] 由于,因为
die from fatigue 劳累而死
He was mad from jealousy. 他因嫉妒而发狂。
5. [表示原料]
Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒由葡萄酿制而成。
6. [表示变化]
From being the victim he became the attacker. 他从受害者变成了进攻者
7. [表示离开,脱离]
five hundred miles from home 离家五百里
8. [表示解除、免掉、排斥、剥夺等]
The enemy took his gun from him. 敌人从他手中拿走枪。
released sb. from prison 把某人从狱中放出来
9. [表示差异,区别]
know black from white 能辨别黑白
10. [用于表示时间、地点的副词和介词前]
from long ago 很久以前
from abroad 从国外
from under the bed 从床下




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