

词汇 at
1. 在…里;在…上;在…旁
at the top of the hill 在山顶
sit at the table 坐在桌旁
2. 向;朝
throw a stone at sb. 向某人扔石头
wave at sb. 朝某人挥手
The dog rushed at me, wagging its tail. 那狗摇晃着尾巴朝我奔来。
3. 在…期间;在…时刻;在…岁数时
at night 在夜晚
at 10 o'clock 在10点钟
He got married at 30. 他30岁时结婚。
4. 处于…状态
be at war 处于交战状态
put sb. at risk 置某人于危险境地
stand at ease 稍息
5. 以…的方式
I downed the beer at a gulp. 我把啤酒一饮而尽。
6. 通过
come in at the back door 从后门进来
The burglar got in at the window. 窃贼跃窗而入。
7. 忙于;从事于
be at school 在上学
8. 参加;出席
be at a party 参加晚会
be at a meeting 出席会议
9. (价格或速度等)以;达
driving at 90 mph 以每小时90英里的速度驾驶
I bought the coat at a 50% discount. 我以半价买了这件衣服。
10. 因为;对…回应
I felt uneasy at his silence. 我因他的沉默而不安。
attend the dinner at the host's invitation 应主人之邀赴宴
11. 根据;按照
at sb.'s command 奉某人之命
I called her at the number she had given me. 我按照她给我的号码给她打电话。
He saw me at a distance. 他从远处望见我。
The tower is visible at a mile. 从相距一英里的地方就看得见那座塔。
13. 在…方面
I'm hopeless at chess. 我对下国际象棋不堪造就。
He's a genius at drawing. 他是个绘画天才。




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