

词汇 slap
slap/slæp/ (slapped, slapped; slapping)
1. 掴,拍
She slapped her son on the cheek. 她掴了儿子一个耳光。
The child slapped his feet on the floor. 孩子用脚拍打地板。
2. 啪的一声放下;随便放置
The boss slapped the file shut. 老板啪的一声合上文件夹。
slap the money on the counter 把钱拍在柜台上
3. 拍打
In the countryside women usually slap clothes against stones. 在农村,妇女们通常在石头上拍洗衣服。
vi 掴,拍打
slap on the desk 拍桌子
词组slap around 殴打;粗暴对待
slap sb.around 殴打某人
slap down 粗暴地制止;镇压,压制
The demonstration was slapped down by the police. 示威游行被警方镇压了。
slap on 强制实行
They decided to slap on the new policy. 他们决定强制实行新的政策。




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