- 1. prop up; support
- ♦ 两手~着下巴 rest one's chin in both hands
- 2. push or move with a pole; pole
- ♦ ~船 pole a boat; punt
- 3. maintain; keep up
- ♦ 他~不住, 笑了。 He could not help laughing.
- 4. open; unfurl
- ♦ ~伞 open an umbrella
- ♦ 把麻袋~开 hold open the sack
- 5. fill to the point of bursting
- ♦ 我已经有点~, 不能再吃了。 I'm rather full and can't eat any more.
- ♦ 别装得太多, 把口袋~破了。 Don't stuff the sack too full, or it'll burst.
- ♦ 角~ corner brace