- 1. board; plank; plate
- ♦ 切菜~ chopping block
- ♦ 混凝土~ concrete slab
- 2. shutter
- ♦ 铺子都上了~儿了。 The shops have all put up the shutters.
- 3. table tennis bat
- 4.
音 clappers - 5. an accented beat in traditional Chinese music; time; measure
- ♦ 板眼
- 1. hard
- ♦ 地~了, 锄不动。 The ground is too hard to hoe.
- 2. stiff; unnatural
- ♦ 我这张照片照得太~了。 I look too stiff in this picture.
- ♦ ~起面孔 put on a stern expression
- ♦ ~着脸 keep a straight face