

词汇 lump
n C
1. (无一定形状的结实的)一块,一团
a lump of clay 一块泥土
a few lumps of coal 几块煤
break sth. up into lumps 把某物破成碎块
2. 隆起,肿块
He had a bad lump on the forehead. 他额上肿起了一大块。
3. 大量;一大堆
a lump of money 一大笔钱
4. 小方块糖
5. 英口 粗笨的人;傻大个儿
词组all of a lump
1. 一齐
The bicycles in the shed fell down all of a lump. 车棚里的自行车全倒了。
2. 肿起
Her eyes were all of a lump after crying. 哭过后她的眼睛都肿了。
have a lump in one's throat( 因某种强烈感情而)喉咙哽住 in the lump 总的说来,全部地,总括地




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