

词汇 commit
commitcom•mit /kə'mɪt/ (committed, committed; committing)
1. 犯罪;干坏事(或错事、傻事等)
commit a crime 犯罪
commit suicide 自杀
2. 使承担义务;做出保证;承诺
commit oneself to a promise 遵守诺言
Signing this form commits you to buying the goods. 在这张表上签字使你必须买下这个货物。
3. 把(某人)押交监狱;判处
He was found guilty and commited to prison. 他被叛有罪,被关进了监狱。
He was commited six years' imprisonment. 他被判处6年徒刑。
4. 把…托给,把…交给
commit a patient to a nurse's care 把病人交给护士照顾
commit a bill to a committee 把一项议案提交给委员会
5. 拨出,调配…供使用
commit money to the task 给这个任务拨款
6. 使表态
They refused to commit themselves on the controversial subject before making due investigations. 他们拒绝在作必要的调查之前对有争论的问题表态。
7. 把…置于某种状态下;把…置于某处
commit to memory 记住一个单子
He committed the facts to writing. 他把事实写了下来。




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