

词汇 strong
1. 强有力的
He's a strong man. 他力气很大。
His strong arms were tightly around me. 他用强有力的手臂紧紧地抱住我。
2. 坚固的;牢固的
a strong fort 坚不可摧的堡垒
a pair of strong scissors 结实的剪刀
3. 强健的;健全的
The old man is over eighty, but his mind is still strong. 老人已经八十多岁了,但身心仍然康健。
The doctor said his heart was not very strong. 医生说他的心脏不太好。
4. 强劲的;强大的
a strong opponent 强劲的对手
a strong navy 强大的海军
5. 坚定的;坚决的
a strong will 坚强的意志
strong determination 坚定的决心
6. 巨大的;极大的
The temptation is very strong. 巨大的诱惑。
a strong possibility 极大的可能性
7. 有说服力的
There's strong evidence to support his claim. 有强有力的证据支持他的控诉。
strong reasons 十足的理由
8. (光线)强烈的
The light was very strong. 阳光很强烈。
9. (气味)浓重的;浓的
The cheese has a strong flavour. 这奶酪的味道很重。
strong coffee 浓咖啡
strong wine 烈酒
10. 擅长的;精通的
He is strong on history. 他精通历史。
English is my strong subject. 英语是我擅长的科目。
11. (股票)坚挺的;(价格)看涨的
Dollars have become the strongest currency. 美元已经成为最坚挺的货币。
The stock market is stronger now. 股票行情现在看涨。
12. 【语】 强变格的
a strong verb 强变格动词
词组come it strong 显得夸张
The newspaper's description of the accident came it too strong. 报纸上对这次事故的描述太夸张。
come on strong 言行过分
You came on a bit strong on this matter. 你在这个问题上有点过分。
still go strong
1. 健康;精力充沛
The old woman is over 80 years old and still going strong. 那位老妇人已经八十多岁了,但身体依然很健康。
2. 运行顺利
The power station started in 1950, and it is still going strong. 发电厂建于1950年,现在仍在正常运行。
strong for 极其偏爱…的;特别注重…的 –strongly adv




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