- 1. play with; fool with
- ♦ 小孩儿爱~沙土。 Children like to play with sand.
- ♦ 你别~闹钟了。 Stop fooling with that alarm clock.
- 2. do; manage; handle; get sb. or sth. into a specified condition
- ♦ 他把衣服~脏了。 He got his clothes dirty.
- ♦ 有些问题还需要~清楚。 Certain questions have yet to be clarified.
- ♦ ~得不好, 就会前功尽弃。 If we don't do a good job now, all the work we've done will be wasted.
- 3. get; fetch
- ♦ 你去~点水来。 Go and get some water.
- 4. play
- ♦ ~手段 play tricks 另见 lòng
另见 nòng