- 1. U
[亦作 E-] 地球 -
• The space shuttle has returned to earth safely. 航天飞机已经安全地返回地球。 - 2. U
土;土壤 -
• break earth 破土动工 -
• The earth in the field is very fertile. 田里的泥土很肥沃。 - 3. U,用作单
地;陆地 -
• fall to earth 落到地面上 -
• The earth is divided into continents. 陆地分成洲。 - 4. C,常用单
英 地线 - 5. C
earth, land
earth与天空相对,常用作the earth指代我们生活的地球;land与sea相对,指地球上的陆地,也指人们买卖、生活和种植庄稼的表面。试比较:
The rocket lost altitude and fell to earth.火箭下降坠落在地面上。
We had been at sea a week before we saw land.我们出海后一周才看到陆地。
The ground was still wet.地面还是湿的。