

词汇 alive
alivea•live /ə'laɪv/
adj 不用在名词前
1. 活着的,在世的
Is she still alive? 她还活着吗?
During the earthquake, they stayed alive. 他们在地震中幸存下来。
2. 意识到的,注意到的;敏感的
be fully alive to the possible dangers. 充分意识到可能存在的危险。
3. 充满(生物或活的东西)的:有活力的,活泼的
The river is alive with fishes. 小河里有各种各样的鱼而充满生气。
4. (继续)存在的,在起作用的
keep hope alive 使希望之花永放
5. 有电的,通电的
The phone is alive. 电话接通。
词组be alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳的
We are glad to hear that he is alive and kicking. 听说他健在,我们很高兴。
be alive and well
1. (身体)健康
2. 非正式 成功的,受欢迎的
This T-shirt is alive and well in this summer. 这件汗衫今夏很流行。
bring sth. alive 使…变得有趣,生动
Teachers use all kinds of methods to bring the class alive. 教师用各种办法使课堂活跃起来。
come alive
1. 生动的;逼真的
This play comes alive at the end. 这部剧的结尾很生动。
2. 苏醒,复苏
He came alive. 他醒过来了。
3. (城市)繁华,热闹;繁忙
keep sb. alive 使生还
She was being kept alive by the army in the big flood. 洪水爆发时,她被军队救了下来。
keep sth. alive 使…存在




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