

词汇 make
make/meɪk/ (made, made; making)
1. 做,制造
Mother made me the dress. 妈妈给我做的这身衣服。
make a decision 做决定
2. 写作;编写;制定
make a poem 做诗
make laws 制定法规
3. 赢得,获得
make money 赚钱
make a living 谋生
4. 产生;导致;迫使
make a mistake 犯错误
make trouble 捣乱
The jacket makes him look old. 那件茄克使他显老。
He was made to resign. 他被迫辞职。
5. 准备,布置
make tea 沏茶
make the bed 铺床
6. 估计,认为
What time do you make it? 你看现在几点钟了?
7. 足以成为,可发展为
He will make a good painter. 他会成为一个好画家。
8. 天生适合,注定
No one is ever made to be a hero. 没有天生的英雄。
9. 实行,进行
make war 开战
10. 总计,等于
Two and three make five. 2加3等于5。
11. 做出(某种举动)
make an effort 努力
make a journey 旅行
make a promise 许诺
12. 使成为,任命为
make him a star 使他成为明星
He was made director of the department. 他被任命为部门经理。
13. 使成功,保证发迹
His second novel made him. 他的第二部小说使他成名。
14. 到达
We made New York by 5:00 p.m.. 我们下午五点抵达纽约。
15. 赶上
just make the flight 刚好赶上班机
make a hasty lunch 匆匆吃午餐
17. 【海】 (开始)发现,看见
We made a submarine ahead to the left of the ship. 我们发现船的左前方有一艘潜水艇。
18. 【电】 使闭合,使接通
19. 美俚 认出
He made me the minute he saw me. 他一看见我就认出来了。
20. 前进
We made our way to the door. 我们向门走过去。
21. (潮汐等)增高,增大
22. [后接形容词,表示使进入某种状态]
make sure 查明,确认
make clear of the fact 弄清事实
1. 正要做,想做;似乎要
He made as if to hit me. 他似乎要打我。
He makes to leave. 他做出要走的样子。
2. 朝某方向走
make straight toward the gate 径直朝大门走去
3. 被制造,被处理
Toys are making in this shop. 这个车间正在生产玩具。
词组make after 追赶…
A dog is making after him at top speed. 一只狗在他后面拼命追赶。
make at 扑向
The policeman made at the burglar. 警察扑向窃贼。
make away 匆匆离去
He jumped over the fence and made away. 他跳过篱笆跑掉了。
make away with
1. 携…而逃,偷走
The thief made away with my purse. 小偷偷走了我的钱包。
2. 除去,杀死
make away with oneself 自杀
3. 浪费掉
He has made away with all his savings. 他挥霍掉了所有的存款。
make believe 假装
He made believe that he hadn't hear anything. 他假装什么都没听见。
make do 凑和使用;勉强对付
We made do with leftovers for lunch. 中午我们凑合吃剩饭了。
make for
1. 走向
make for the door 走向门口
2. 有利于
Exercises make for good health. 锻炼有利于身体健康。
3. 袭击,冲向
make from
1. 由…制成
Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。
2. 迅速离开
He made from the kitchen when he was discovered. 他被人发现后就迅速离开了厨房。
make into 把…做成
I made a pair of trousers into shorts. 我把一条长裤改成短裤。
make the silk into a shirt 把丝料做成衬衫
make it
1. 实现目标,成功
She wanted to enter the university and she made it. 她想上大学并如愿以偿。
2. 及时赶到
We just made it at the meeting. 我们及时赶到参加会议。
make it up
1. 补偿,赔偿
Thanks for buying me the ticket - I'll make it up to you later. 谢谢你帮我买票,以后我会还你情的。
2. 与…和解
He wanted to make it up with his ex-wife. 他想与前妻和好。
make of
1. 用…制造
This chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是木头做的。
2. 了解,明白
What do you make of his remarks? 你怎么理解他的话?
3. 对待,处理;利用
He tends to make too much of her problems. 他往往把自己的问题看得过于严重。
She can't make the most of her ability in this position. 在这个职位上她无法发挥自己的能力。
make off 匆忙离开
He made off after saying a few words. 他说了几句话后就匆匆离开了。
make off with 携…而逃,偷走
A boy made off with my mobile telephone. 一个男孩偷走了我的手机。
make or break 或成功或失败
This deal makes or breaks his company. 这笔生意决定着他公司的命运。
make out
1. 写出,填写,完成
make out a document in duplicate 把文件写成一式两份
make out a check 开支票
2. 看出,辨别出
We could hardly make out each other in the mist. 在大雾中我们彼此很难辨认出对方。
3. (企图)证明,说明
I don't see what you are trying to make out. 我不明白你要说明什么。
4. 设法应付;进展
How are things making out? 情况进展如何?
5. 理解,了解;发现
I can't make out what he means. 我无法理解他是什么意思。
They are trying to make out how the fire started. 他们正设法查出这场火灾的起因。
6. 假装
He is making out to be ill. 他在装病。
7. 打算
We made out to go shopping the next day. 我们打算第二天去采购。
make over
1. (通过法律)移交,转让财产
He made over his property to an education fund. 他把财产移赠给一个教育基金管理机构。
2. 改造;重做
They made over the garage into a room for their son. 他们把车库改建成儿子的房间。
They are going to make the whole thing over. 他们打算把整个事情重做一遍。
make up
1. 由…构成
The company is made up of 10 departments. 公司由10个部门组成。
2. 和解,和好
The young couple quarreled but soon made up. 那对年轻人吵了一架,但很快就和好了。
3. 补充,补偿
make up a loss 补偿损失
4. 配制
make up a medicine 配药
5. 缝制
The material can make up into a skirt. 这块料子能做一条裙子。
6. 包扎;包装
make up a parcel of clothes 包了一包衣服
7. 编辑;草拟
A new Yellow Pages is being made up. 一本新的黄页电话号码簿正在编辑中。
make up a document 草拟文件
8. 虚构,捏造
make up an excuse 编造借口
9. 化妆
He has to wait for his wife to make up whenever they are going out. 每次他们要出去时,他都得等着妻子化妆。
make up for 补偿,弥补;补救
I know I have a lot of faults to make up for. 我知道我有很多错误有待改正。
make up to
1. 讨好,巴结
She never makes up to her boss. 她从不巴结老板。
2. 向…求爱
He tried to make up to her but she refused to have anything to do with him. 他竭力向她求爱,但是她拒绝和他有任何关系。
3. 向…走来,走近
A stranger is making up to us. 一个陌生人正向我们走来。
4. 补偿,弥补
There is nothing you can do that will make up to me for forgetting to send the letter for me. 你忘了给我寄信,这点你任凭做什么都无法为我弥补回来。

be made(out) of, be madefrom be made(out) of 表示制成某物所使用的原料在成品中可以辨认出来,例如

The table is made of hardwood.这张桌子是红木做的。

The cabin is made of logs. 这间小屋是原木建成的。

a loincloth made out of a kitchen towel一块由厨房毛巾制成的汗巾

be made from表示某物原料的形状改变,难以辨认或发生了化学变化,例如

Paper can be made from rag.用破布可以造纸。





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