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词汇 time
1. U 时间
Time flies like arrow. 光阴似箭。
Time will tell. 时间会证明一切。
2. 用作单 时候;时令
What time is it? 现在几点?
What time do you leave here? 你几点钟从这里走?
The time is ten to five. 时间是差10分5点。
3. C,U 特定之时;好机会
at Christmas time 圣诞时节
It's time for dinner. 该是进餐的时候了。
It's time that we started. 我们该出发了。
4. U (从事特定事所需的)时间
There is little time left. 剩下的时间不多。
It won't take you much time to read through the book. 读完这本书不会花你太多时间。
5. 用作单 (一段)时间
It's a long time since I saw you last. 好久不见了。
We have lived here for a long time. 我们在此地居住很久了。
6. C (经历的)一段时间
We had a good time at the aquarium. 我们在水族馆玩得很愉快。
He had a hard time looking for a job. 他为找一份工作,吃了不少苦。
7. C,常用复 时代
in ancient times 在古代
in the times of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代
8. C,常用复 时期;时势
Times are hard. 时世艰难。
9. U (人的)一生;年轻时
Such a disaster won't come again in my time. 这样的灾难在我一生中当不会再来吧。
The woman was beautiful in her time. 那女人年轻时很漂亮。
10. U 死期;分娩期
His time is drawing near. 他快死了。
She is near her time. 她快分娩了。
11. U 服役期;刑期
serve one's time 服役(或服刑)期满
12. U 标准时间
solar time 太阳时
standard time 标准时间
Greenwich time 格林威治时间
13. C 次;度;回
many times 多次
for the first time 第一次
I'll go with you this time, but next time you will have to go alone. 这次我陪你去,但下次你得自己一个人去。
14. C
He has four times as many records as I. 他的唱片有我的4倍多。
This room is two times the size of that one. 这间房间是那间的2倍大。
15. U 工作时间;计时工资
work full time 专职工作
We get double time for Sunday. 我们星期天加班领取双倍工资。
16. U 【音】 拍子;速度
triple time 三拍
beat time 打拍子
in slow time 以缓慢拍子
词组ahead of one's time 思想过于先进;思想等过于创新 ahead of time 提前
The task was completed ahead of time. 这工作提前完成了。
all the time 始终 at all times 随时
We must be ready at all times to start off. 我们必须随时都准备出发。
(at) any time 随时
The patient could die at any time. 病人随时可能死去。
at a time 一次 at one time
1. 一度
At one time we called each other frequently. 过去我们曾经常常通电话。
2. 同时
at one's time of life 在这个年纪
You should know better at your time of life. 你这个年纪该懂事了。
at the best of times 即使在情况最好的时候
The child was on the edge of malnutrition at the best of times. 这孩子即使在情况最好的时候也濒于营养不良。
at the same time
1. 同时
laugh and cry at the same time 又哭又笑
2. 然而
at the time (when) 那时
He was in Hong Kong at the time. 那时他在香港。
at times 有时
At times I feel that I want to leave here. 有时我真想离开这里。
before one's time 过早 behind the time(s) 过时
You are behind the times. 你很落伍。
behind time 迟;晚 bide one's time 耐心等待 buy time 争取时间 do (one's) time 服刑期 every time
1. 每次
Our football team is defeated every time. 我们的足球队屡战屡败。
2. 毫不犹豫地
I rely on him every time. 我非常信赖他。
3. 每当
for the time (being) 暂时
He is staying in the country for the time being. 他暂时小住在乡下。
from time to time 间或 gain time 故意拖延时间 half the time
1. 一半时间
2. 几乎总是
He's watching TV half the time. 他老是在看电视。
have no time for
1. 没有时间做
2. 讨厌
I have no time for her. 我讨厌她。
in good time
1. 及时
2. 及早
We must leave here in good time so as to catch the first bus. 我们得早点离开这里,以便赶上早班车。
in (或less than, next to) no time (或in no time at all) 立刻 in (the) course of time 终于
In the course of time we finished the task. 经过一段时间后,我们终于完成任务了。
in time
1. 及时
2. 迟早,最终
3. 合拍
in times to come 在将来 keep good (bad) time (钟表等)走得(或不)准 keep time
1. (钟表)走得准
2. 按节拍唱歌等
kill time 消磨时间 lose no time 抓紧时间,不浪费时间 make good (poor或bad) time 在路上(或进行过程中)花的时间比预期的少(或多) make time 腾出时间
I can't make time to chat with you. 我腾不出时间来跟你聊天。
mark time
1. 停滞不前
The negotiations were marking time. 谈判没什么进展。
2. 等待时机
We marked time until she was ready to start off. 我们等待着,直到她为出发做好准备。
3. 磨洋工
nine times out of ten 十之八九 off time 美俚 得罪人 once upon a time 从前 on one's own time 在业余时间 on time
1. 准时
2. 以分期付款方式
out of time 不合时宜 pass the time (away) 消磨时间 pass the time of day (with sb.) 与某人寒暄 play for time 争取时间 play out time 把比赛拖到规定时间 take one's time 不着急;不慌忙 take sb. all his time 使某人费很大劲 take time off (或out) 抽出时间
take time off for a rest 抽空休息
tell time 识钟
I am teaching the child to tell time. 我正教孩子识钟。
the time of day
1. 时刻;时候
What time of day is it? 现在几点?
2. 时尚;当前形势
the time of one's life 一生中特别愉快的一段时间 time after time (或time and time again) 屡次
This comes out time and time again in the book. 这在这本书里反复出现。
Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。
time off 休假时间 time on one's hands 闲工夫
have plenty of time on one's hands 很空闲
(up) to time 准时,按时
Because of bad weather the buses were not running to time. 因为气候恶劣,汽车未能按时行驶。

in time, on time


Will you be home in time to look after the children? 你能及时赶回家照顾孩子吗?

Will you be home on time to look after the children? 你能按时回家照顾孩子吗?





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