

1. fall; drop; shed; come off
~下几滴眼泪 shed a few tears
2. fall behind
他脚上打了泡, ~在后面了。 He got blisters on his feet, so he lagged behind.
3. lose; be missing
我把钥匙~了。 I've lost my key.
这本书~了两页。 Two pages are missing from the book.
4. reduce; drop
他得了一场大病, 体重~了十多斤。 During his serious illness he lost over ten jin.
5. wag; swing
~尾巴 wag the tail
~臂而去 leave in a flurry
6. turn
把车头~过来 turn the car round
7. change; exchange
~座位 change (or exchange) seats; swop places with sb.
8. (used after certain verbs to indicate removal)
洗~ wash out
扔~ throw away
擦~ wipe off
改~坏习气 correct bad habits




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