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词汇 suck
1. 吮吸;啜
suck orange juice through a straw 用吸管吸橙汁
2. 把…含在嘴里
a child that sucks its thumb 吮拇指的孩子
3. 使卷入;吞没
be sucked into a deception 被卷入一场骗局
The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool. 独木舟被漩涡吞没了。
vi 吮吸;吸食
suck at coffee 啜咖啡
The baby was sucking at its bottle. 婴儿在吮奶瓶。
词组suck dry 吸干
suck a coconut dry 吸干椰子里的汁
suck in
1. 吸收;吸取
suck air in between one's teeth 从牙缝间吸气
suck in knowledge 吸取知识
2. 使卷入
I don't want to get sucked in the quarrel. 我不想卷入这场争吵中。
3. 收缩
The trumpeter's cheeks sucked in and out. 小号手的两颊一收一鼓。
4. 欺骗;捉弄
He was sucked in by a crook. 他被狡猾的骗子捉弄了。
suck up to 非正式 巴结;奉承
He sucked up to his boss by agreeing with everything his boss said. 他巴结老板,老板说什么他都同意。




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