

1. answer; respond
喊他他不~。 I called him, but he didn't answer.
2. agree (to do sth.); promise; accept
这事是我~下来的, 由我负责吧。 I'm the one who took on the job, so let me take care of it.
3. should; ought to
~享受的权利 a right one is entitled to
~尽的义务 one's bounden duty
~予考虑 merit consideration
发现错误~立即纠正。 When a mistake is discovered, it should be corrected at once.
另见 yìng
1. answer; respond; echo
山鸣谷~。 The valleys echo the sounds of the mountains.
2. comply with; grant
以~急需 in order to fill an urgent need
为~广大读者需要 to meet the needs of the broad reading public
~中国政府的邀请 at the invitation of the Chinese government
3. suit; respond to
4. deal with; cope with
从容~敌 meet the enemy calmly
另见 yīng




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