

词汇 recognize
recognizerec•og•nize 亦作 recognise /'rekəɡnaɪz/
1. 不用进行式 认出,识别
Can you recognize his handwriting? 你能认出他的笔迹吗?
The tune was recognized as the one from the musical. 那曲子被听出是取自音乐片。
2. 承认,认可
We recognized him to be a great leader. 我们都承认他是位伟大的领袖。
The U.N. recognized the new government. 联合国承认了那个新政府。
3. 明白,认识到
He didn't recognize that he had made a big mistake. 他没认识到自己犯了个大错误。
4. 赏识,表彰
The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus. 公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色。
The government recognized his service by giving him a medal. 政府颁赠勋章给他,以表扬他的功绩。
vi 承认,确认
–recognizable adj –recognizably adv




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