

词汇 point
1. 使对准,使瞄准
point a gun at sb. 用枪指着某人
2. 为某人指明(方向)
I was pointed down the corridor to the manager's office. 我被告知沿走廊去经理的办公室。
3. 【建】 (用水泥等)勾嵌(墙的)砌缝
4. 用足尖跳舞时绷直脚
point one's toes 跳舞时绷直脚
1. (用手指)指,指向
He pointed at the stranger and said something to me. 他指着那个陌生人对我说了几句话。
He was pointing to the small gate of the house. 他正指着那所房子的小门。
2. 指向,面向,朝向
词组point a (或the, one's) finger at 公开指责某人 point the way
1. 指路
2. 指出发展(或变化)的可能性
His remarks pointed the way to our work. 他的话为我们的工作指明了方向。
point out
1. 把…指出来
We stood downstairs and he pointed out his windows. 我们站在楼下,他给我们指出哪儿是他家的窗户。
2. 指出,指明;使注意
He pointed out that we would be late if we didn't hurry up. 他指出如果我们不快点儿就要迟到了。
point to 认为重要而提出(某事)
They pointed to the need of one more person for this work. 他们提出做这项工作还需要一个人。
point to (或towards) 显示可能会,有…的迹象
All the signs point to a conflict between them. 一切迹象都表明他们之间将起冲突。
point up 正式 清楚地表明;强调
The failure of the project pointed up their bad management. 这个项目的失败清楚地表明他们管理不善。




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