- 1. thoroughfare; important place
- ♦ 要冲
- 2.
方 a stretch of flatland in a hilly area - 3.
天 opposition - 1. charge; rush; dash
- ♦ 他~进着火的房子, 救出了两个小孩。 He dashed into the burning house and rescued two children.
- 2. clash; collide
- ♦ 冲突
- 3. pour boiling water on
- ♦ ~茶 make tea
- 4. rinse; flush
- ♦ 把盘子~一~。 rinse the plates
- ♦ 便后~水。 Flush the toilet after use.
- 5.
摄 develop - ♦ ~胶卷 develop a roll of film 另见 chòng
- 1.
口 with vim and vigour; with plenty of dash; vigorously - ♦ 这小伙子干活儿真~。 This young fellow does his work with vim and vigour.
- ♦ 水流得很~。 The water flows with great force.
- ♦ 他说话很~。 He speaks bluntly.
- 2. (of smell) strong; pungent
- ♦ 这药味很~。 This medicine has a strong smell.
- 1.
口 facing; towards - ♦ 窗户~南开。 The window faces south.
- ♦ 这话是~他说的。 That remark was aimed at him.
- 2. on the strength of; on the basis of; because
- ♦ ~他们这股子干劲儿, 没有克服不了的困难。 With such drive, there's no difficulty that they can't overcome.
- ♦ 冲压 另见 chōng