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词汇 see
see/siː/ (saw,seen)
1. 不用进行式 看到,看见
I saw a plane in the sky. 我看到空中有一架飞机。
Can you see a fly on the wall? 你能看见墙上有一只苍蝇吗?
2. 查看;察看
May I see your passport? 我能否看一下你的护照?
Go and see who's at the door. 去看看谁在门口。
3. 观看;游览
see a film 看电影
I have always wanted to see Hong Kong. 我一直想去香港观光。
4. 明白,领会,理解
I see what you mean. 我明白你的意思。
I don't see why you said so. 我不理解你为什么这么说。
5. 看出;发觉;留意
see one's faults 意识到自己的缺点
I saw nothing strange. 我没有发觉任何奇怪的东西。
6. 把…当作,认为;想像成
He saw his son as a genius. 他把自己的儿子当天才。
He saw himself as a hero. 他想像自己是个英雄。
7. (尤指从报刊等处)得知
I saw in the newspaper that he won in the election. 我从报纸上得知他在大选中获胜。
8. [用于祈使句] 参看,见
see page 20 参见第20页
9. 不用进行式 注意,当心; [用于祈使句] 确保,注意
See that everything is ready before the meeting. 务必保证会议前一切准备就绪。
10. 考虑
You'd better see whether you can come next week. 你最好考虑一下,下星期是否能来。
11. 看中;同意
Tell me what you see in him. 告诉我你看中了他哪一点。
I'll try my best to make him see your proposal. 我会尽力使他同意你的建议。
12. 不用进行式 经受,经历
The ancient town has seen many changes during thousands of years. 这个古老的城镇在数千年的岁月中经历了许多的变化。
13. 陪伴,送
May I see you home? 我送你回家好吗?
14. 不用进行式 (意外地)遇到
I saw Mary in the supermarket last night. 昨晚我在超级市场遇见了玛丽。
15. 会见访客
The manager is so busy that he can't see you today. 经理今天太忙了不能接待你。
16. 默视,容忍
We wouldn't see you do it yourself. 我们不会让你一个人去做这件事的。
17. 不用进行式 想像,设想
I can't see him refusing my offer of help. 我不能设想他会拒绝我的帮助。
1. 看,看见;看到
The old lady can't see without glasses. 不戴眼镜老太太看不见东西。
2. 认识…的意义,明白
I don't see at all. 我根本不明白。
3. 有视力
Tom doesn’t see very well in his left eye. 汤姆的左眼视力不佳。
4. 看出;发现
As you see I'm very busy. 你看得出,我很忙。
5. [用于祈使句] 瞧;当心
See, here he comes! 瞧,他来了!
See, there comes the bus! 注意,公共汽车来啦!
词组Let me see
1. 让我看一下
2. 让我想一想
see about
1. 负责办理,安排某事
It's time to see about dinner. 该做饭了。
2. 想一想,考虑
We'll see about this matter. 我们会考虑这件事的。
see after 照料,负责处理
see after a baby 照料婴儿
see better days 非正式 生活在较为富裕的时期 see fit to do sth. 认为做某事是合情合理的 see in
1. 把…领进去
The waiter will see you in. 侍者会带你进去。
2. 庆祝…的到来
see the New Year in 迎接新年
see into 调查;研究
They were seeing into that case. 他们正在调查那个案子。
see off
1. 送别,送行
see at the station 去车站为某人送行
2. 强迫离开,赶走
see out
1. 送…到门口
see a friend out 送朋友到门口
2. 看完,看到结束
see the game out 看完比赛
3. 持续到终了,熬过
Although the task was hard I would see it out. 虽然这个任务很难,我还是要完成它。
see over
1. 仔细检查
The teacher would like to see over my paper. 老师要看我的卷子。
2. 察看
see over the house 察看屋子
see red 发怒,生气 see round 巡视,察看 see the last of 非正式 与…断绝关系 see through
1. 看透,看穿
see through sb.'s deception 识破某人的骗局
2. 完成;贯彻
see through the task 完成任务
3. 帮助某人度过难关
Her friend saw her through the hard times. 她的朋友帮她度过了艰难岁月。
see to
1. 负责;照料
He was seeing to the arrangements for the party. 他在负责安排晚会。
2. 修理
My watch needs seeing to. 我的手表需要修理了。
see to it that 负责做到,注意做到
Please see to it that you are not late again. 你千万要注意不要再迟到了。
see with 同意(某人的意见)
He can't see with me. 他不同意我的意见。




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