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词汇 bring
bring/brɪŋ/ (brought, brought)
1. 带来,拿来
Bring me the book (或 Bring the book to me). 把书给我带来。
2. 导致,招致
War brings hardships. 战争给人们带来苦难。
3. 劝导,促使,劝使
I cannot bring myself to say that. 那种话我实在不能说。
4. 把…引来
Why didn't you bring him along? 你干吗不把他带来?
5. 提出(议案等)
6. 使处于(某种状态)
bring the train to a stop 使火车停下来
词组bring about 使发生
The electronic business has brought about many changes in people's daily life. 电子商务给人们的日常生活带来了很多变化。
bring around(或 round)
1. 使转向
He brought around the topic of conversation to football. 他把话题转到了足球上。
2. 使恢复知觉(或健康)
The adequate rest will bring him around. 充分的休息会使他恢复过来的。
3. 说服
It is very difficult to bring her around. 说服她很难。
4. 把…带来
You can bring your friends around next time. 下次你可以把朋友带来。
bring back
1. 使恢复原来状态;使复原
bring back the original ecosystem 恢复原有的生态系统
2. 使被回忆起
The familiar smell brings back the memory of my childhood. 这熟悉的气味勾起我童年的回忆。
3. 使回来,把…带回来
What did your father bring you back when he came back from abroad? 你父亲从国外回来给你带回了什么礼物?
bring down
1. 使降价
2. 使落下
The pilot brought down the plane smoothly. 飞行员使飞机平稳地着陆了。
3. 击落
With one shot he brought down the wild hog. 他一枪就撂倒了这只野猪。
4. 打倒,使失败
The bribe-taking scandal brought down the Secretary of the Treasury. 受贿丑闻使财政部长下了台。
bring forth 正式 产生;引发
Love without result can only bring forth pain. 没有结果的爱情只能引发痛苦。
bring forward
1. 将…带上前来
bring forward the prisoner 带犯人出庭
2. 提出;引证
bring forward a legislation for discussion 提出议案供讨论
bring in
1. 获得,收益,挣得
His fish pond brings him in ¥5,000 a year. 他的鱼塘每年使他获利润5,000元。
2. 引入;带进
bring in the advanced management 引进先进的管理方法
3. 对…作出裁决
The jury brought him in not guilty. 陪审团裁决他无罪。
bring off
1. 使实现,圆满完成
Finally we brought the task off. 我们终于圆满地完成了这项任务。
2. (从遇难船只中)救出
bring on
1. 引起,导致;使发生
His illness is brought on by the nervousness and pressure. 他的病是由紧张和压力引起的。
2. 促进
The abundant precipitation has brought on the crops. 充沛的降水促进了庄稼的生长。
bring out
1. 使显出
The curry brings out the flavor of the beef. 咖哩更增添了牛肉的滋味。
2. 激发
The difficult situation could bring out a man's potential. 困境会激发人的潜能。
3. 出版;推出(作品等)
bring out a dictionary 推出一本字典
4. 使变得大方
bring out an introverted girl 使一个内向的姑娘变得大方老练
bring through 帮助(某人)脱险;救活 bring up
1. 提出
bring up a suggestion 提出一项建议
2. 养育;教养
She is well brought up. 她很有教养。
3. 呕吐
bring up the dinner 把饭吐出来
4. 传讯;审讯
He was brought up on the charge of drunk-driving. 他因酒后开车而受传讯。

bring up, raise, educate

这三个词都表示“抚养”或“教育”之义。bring up表示孩子在家里受到的道德和社交方面的训练,可以用well或badly等副词修饰。在美国英语中raise可用来表示bring upeducate则用来表示人们在中小学、大学等场所受到的(特别是智能和文化方面的)训练。


He was brought up by his parents and educated at the local convent school.他是由父母抚养大的,在当地一所修道院设立的学校上的学。

They have raised ten children.他们已抚养了10个孩子。


bringtake, fetch



Take these plates away to the kitchen and bring some clean ones, please.


I'll fetch a glass.






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