

词汇 crush
1. 压伤;压坏
Don't crush my hat! 不要压坏我的帽子。
His left leg was crushed in the accident. 在那次事故中他的左腿被压伤了。
2. 碾碎;捣碎
The mill crushes wheat grain into fine powder. 这磨粉机将小麦磨成精细的面粉。
3. 压皱,弄皱
Her dress had been badly crushd when she took it out of the suitcase. 她把衣服从箱中取出来时,衣服已被压得很皱了。
4. 使塞入,使挤入
They were crushed into a small room. 他们被关入一个小房间。
5. 榨出
Wine is made by crushing grapes. 葡萄酒是通过压榨葡萄制成的。
6. 镇压;征服;摧毁(精神等)
crush a plot 粉碎阴谋
My hopes were crushed by his remarks. 他的一番话使我的希望破灭了。
7. 紧抱住
He crushed her in his arms. 他把她紧紧抱在怀里。
1. 被压坏;被碾碎
Eggs crush easily. 鸡蛋容易被压碎。
2. 起皱
The cloth crushes easily. 这块布容易起皱。
3. 挤;涌
They all tried to crush into the front seats. 他们都想挤到前排的座位上去。
词组crush out
1. 挤出,挤掉
He was crushed out of the room. 他被挤出了房间。
2. 榨(汁)
crush out the juice of the orange 榨出橘子汁
3. 平息;扑灭
crush out a rebellion 平息叛乱




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