

词汇 surface
n C
1. 地面;水面;液面
the Earth's surface 地面
the surface of the river 河面
2. 表面;面
the surface of the table 桌面
A cube has six surfaces. 立方体有6个面。
3. 外表;外观
Beneath his self-confident surface, he is quite unsure of himself. 他看上去信心十足,实际上很缺乏信心。
look below the surface of things 透过表面观察事物
词组come to the surface 表面化
Our bitterness is coming to the surface. 我们的怨愤正日趋表面化。
of the surface 外表上
Her kindness is only of the surface. 她只是表面上和蔼。
on the surface 在表面上;在外表上
On the surface, he's a helpful person. 从表面上看,他是个助人为乐的人。
scratch the surface 触及表面
Their remarks hardly scratched the surface of the question. 他们的话连问题的表面也没有触及到。




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