- ♦ 刀~ a knife wound
- ♦ 浑身是~ be covered with cuts and bruises
- ♦ ~好了。 The wound has healed.
- 1. injure; hurt
- ♦ 被汽车撞~ be knocked down and injured by a car
- ♦ 摔~ fall and hurt oneself
- 2. be distressed
- ♦ 伤怀
- 3. get sick of sth.; develop an aversion to sth.
- ♦ 这孩子吃糖吃~了。 The child has got sick of eating sweets.
- 4. be harmful to; hinder
- ♦ 有~国体 discredit one's country
- ♦ 无~大体 not matter much