

词汇 forget
forgetfor•get /fə'ɡet/ (forgot;forgotten)
1. 忘记
I forgot his name. 我忘记了他的名字。
2. 忘记带
I have forgotten my purse-can you lend me a few dollars? 我忘了带钱包,你能借我几美元吗?
3. 不再把…放在心上
Let's forget those unpleasant memories. 让我们不要再想那些令人不愉快的往事了。
4. 忽略;怠慢
He never forgets the waiter. 他从不忘记给侍者小费。
5. 不再考虑;放弃
If we can't get any financial support, we might as well forget the whole plan. 如果没有经济支持,我们还是放弃这个计划的好。
vi 忘记
I forgot about the milk boiling on the stove. 我忘了炉子上煮的牛奶了。
词组forget oneself
1. 失态;忘乎所以
He knew he should hold his temper, but because of the trouble he forgot himself and began to shout. 他知道该控制自己的脾气,但由于遇到了麻烦,他无法自制,便大嚷起来。
2. 先人后己,忘我
When you are poor, you have to forget yourself and attend only to the children's needs. 当一个人贫穷的时候,就无法考虑自己,只能照顾孩子们的需要。


作“忘记”解,后面可接动名词和不定式,但意思有区别。forget doing意思为“忘记了已经做过的事”,指过去的事情;forget to do sth.意思为“因为忘了,所以未做”,句中to do的宾语是原本打算要做的事,因为未能记住而没有及时做。试比较:

He forgot to post the letter.他忘了发信。

He forgot posting the letter.他已经发了信,但却忘了这事儿。





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