- 1. pull; draw; tug; drag
- ♦ ~弓 draw a bow
- ♦ ~风箱 work the bellows
- ♦ 他把我~到一边。 He drew me aside.
- 2. transport by vehicle; haul
- ♦ 套车去~肥料 get a cart ready to haul back the fertilizer
- 3. move (troops to a place)
- ♦ 把二班~到桥头 move Squad Two to the bridge
- 4. play (certain musical instruments)
- ♦ ~小提琴(手风琴) play the violin (accordion)
- 5. drag out; draw out; space out
- ♦ ~长声音说话 drawl
- 6. give (or lend) a helping hand; help
- ♦ 他犯了错误, 要~他一把。 He's made mistakes and we must help him.
- 7. drag in; implicate
- ♦ 这是你自己做的事, 为什么要~上别人? It was all your own doing. Why drag in others?
- 8. draw in; win over; canvass
- ♦ ~一派打一派 draw in one faction and hit out at another
- ♦ ~选票 canvass votes; canvass
- 9.
口 empty the bowels - ♦ 又~又吐 suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea 另见 lá
- ♦ 把这块皮子~开 slit the leather
- ♦ 手上~了个口子 cut one's hand; get a cut in the hand 另见 lā