

词汇 buy
buy/baɪ/ (bought, bought)
1. 购买
buy the book for his son 为他的儿子买那本书
buy me a pen 给我买支笔
buy the radio for 50 yuan 花50元买那台收音机
2. 获得,赢得
We won't buy money with our dignity. 我们不会用尊严来换取金钱。
3. 非正式 同意,赞成
All right,I'll buy that. 好,我赞成。
4. 非正式 向…行贿;收买
They say the judge was bought. 人们说法官被收买了。
vi 买,收购
Whether you are buying or selling, our prices are the best in town! 无论是买还是卖,我们的价钱在全镇都是最优惠的。
词组buy in 买进
We bought in many goods in the sale. 我们趁减价买了一批东西。
buy into 买进(某企业的股份)
He has bought into a chemical works. 他已买进一家化工厂的股份,成了股东。
buy off 出钱摆脱
buy off the threat 出钱摆脱恐吓
buy out
1. 买下…的全部股份
buy out a company 买下一个公司的全部股份
2. 出钱使免服役
They bought their son out of the army. 他们出钱使自己的儿子免服军役。
buy up 全部买下
He bought up a bankrupt pharmaceutical factory. 他买下了一家破了产的药厂。

buy, purchae


I bought him a new car.我给他买了辆新车。

The gangster's friend bought off the police witness.歹徒的朋友买通了警察方面的证人。


The company has purchased some property on which to construct a new supermarket.公司已经买下一些地产用于建造新的超级市场。





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