

词汇 mile
n C
1. 英里(约1.6公里)
The town is 5 miles away. 那个城镇在5英里外。
For miles and miles there's nothing but desert. 一连多少英里,除了沙漠什么都没有。
2. 用作单 一英里赛跑
3. [~s] 长距离;大量;很大程度
I feel miles better now. 现在我感觉好多了。
He's miles older than she is. 他年纪比她大得多。
词组run a mile (from sb.或sth.) 迅速逃避;惟恐避之不及
As soon as I mentioned that there was work to be done they all ran a mile. 我一提到有活儿需要大家干,他们就都躲开了。
see(或tell) sth. a mile off 显而易见
You can tell he's a thief a mile off. 显而易见他是个贼。
stand(或stick) out a mile 极醒目,一目了然
Her beauty stands out a mile. 她的美丽是有目共睹的。




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