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词汇 head
1. C 头;头部
2. C 头脑;才智
use one's head 动脑筋
He has a good head for business. 他很有生意头脑。
3. U 理解力
4. C 领导(地位);首位
the head of the company 公司的首脑
the head of a family 户主
5. 用作单 上端,顶部
at the head of the parade 游行队伍的前部
6. C (植物的)头状花序;叶球
7. 用作单 镇静;沉着
keep a cool head 保持冷静
8. C 个头
He is half a head taller than me. 他比我高半个头。
9. 用作单 工具的顶端
the head of a hammer 锤头
10. [单复同] (牛羊等的)头数;(动物的)数量
five head of cattle 五头牛
11. C,常用单 非正式主英 头疼
I've got a bad head. 我头疼得厉害。
12. C [常作~s]头像; 印头像的钱币的正面
13. C 啤酒上的泡沫
14. C 【电子】 磁头
15. 用作单 个,个人
a cool head 冷静的人
16. 用作单 (河流的)源头
the head of the Yellow River 黄河的源头
17. C 岬角
18. C 船头
19. C (疮等的)脓头
20. 用作单 蒸汽压力;(水等的)压力
21. C 【语】 中心词
22. C 紧要关头;高潮
23. C 【印】(报刊等的)标题;要点; 书眉
24. C 吸毒者,瘾君子
词组above one's head 超出某人的理解,难懂
The question is above my head. 这问题太难,我理解不了。
bang (或 beat,hit,knock)one's head against a brick wall 白费力气,枉费心机
Trying to get that student to learn anything is like banging your head against a brick wall. 要想让这个学生学点儿东西真是白费心机。
bring sth. (或come) to a head 使时机成熟,达到决定性价段
Things came to a head at the end of October. 十月底事情到了紧急关头。
bury one's head in the sand 逃避现实,采取驼鸟政策 give sb. their head 让某人自由行动
Give him his head. 随他的便吧。
go to sb.'s head
1. 酒使某人微醉
2. (名利等)使某人骄傲,冲昏头脑
have one's head in the clouds 想入非非,陷入空想 have one's head screwed on 非正式 有头脑,明智 head and shoulders 远远地,大大地
Her composition stands head and shoulers above all the others' in the class. 她的作文远远胜过班里其他人的。
head over heels
1. 头朝下地,倒栽葱地
2. 完全,非常
He has fallen head over heels in love with the girl next door. 他神魂颠倒地爱上了邻家的女孩儿。
Heads will roll 有些人将被解雇(或受惩罚)
keep one's head 保持冷静,不慌不忙 keep one's head above water
1. 免遭灭顶之灾
2. 保持不负债,收入仅够过日子
keep one's head down 避免引人注目 off one's head 非正式 发狂,精神失常
She must be off her head to act in such a way as that. 她那样做想必是昏头了。
out of one's head 发狂;(吸毒或酒醉后)说胡话,神智不清
We thought she was out of her head to marry such a man. 我们认为她嫁给这种男人是昏了头。
over sb.'s head
1. 太高深而超过某人的理解力
2. 越级
He went over the captain's head to report to the general. 他越过上尉,直接向将军汇报。
put heads together 集思广益,共同策划 turn sb.'s head
1. 使某人自负
2. 使某人神魂颠倒
Her beauty has turned his head. 她的美貌使他神魂颠倒。




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